Creating Duties
Some schools create and assign teachers to duties in the school. For example, some schools have morning and afternoon bus duty, hall duty, and front door duty.
If schools prefer, they can create actual periods, courses, and sections for these duties in their Aspen schedule.
Note: Other schools might choose to create and assign duties outside of Aspen. |
For example, a school might decide to have a morning hall duty period and create a course for it in the course catalog. Then, on the Workspace tab, the school creates a section for the Morning Hall Duty course, and assigns a teacher. This way, duties appear on teacher schedules.
Note: Duties do not include students; the system does not load students into duty sections. |
To create duties for your schedule:
- Log on to the Build view.
- Click the Workspace tab.
- On the Options menu, click Add. The New Schedule Build Master page appears.
- In the Number field, click
to open the School Course Pick List.
- Select the course you want to create a duty for, and then click OK.
- At the Staff > Name field, select the staff member who is responsible for this duty.
- Click Save. The duty appears on the teacher’s schedule.